Saint Martin’s Church

Bernard de Rijckere (ca.1535-1590)

Triptych of the Holy Spirit
Sint-Maartenskerk in Kortrijk

Sint-Maartenskerkstraat, Kortrijk

Saint Martin’s Church in Kortrijk is definitely worth a detour. In addition to the many works of art, you can also visit the tower if you are willing to climb the 246 steps to get to a height of 65 metres. Worth the effort though as you will then be able to enjoy phenomenal views. This unique vantage point offers a different perspective of the city and its surroundings.

Triptiek van de Heilige Geest, Bernard de Rijckere

Saint Martin’s Church

The current hall church with its three naves was built between 1390 and 1466, following the destruction of the first Gothic Sint-Martinuskerk. After a fire in 1862, a section was rebuilt in neo-Gothic style. The 83 m high tower in Brabant Gothic style is a striking feature of the Kortrijk skyline. Its wooden spire accommodates a full-sized carillon with 49 bells. The church comprises a number of remarkable works of art, including a 6.5 m high sacrament tower.

Triptych of the Holy Spirit

This triptych, a 1587 Pentecost scene, was created for Sint-Maartenskerk and hangs in the winter chapel or Sint-Annakapel (Saint Anne’s Chapel). It depicts the baptism of Jesus on the right, with the Holy Spirit as a dove, and God breathing life into Adam on the left. The central scene depicts the Holy Spirit descending upon the apostles. The praying Mary, with an open book on her knees, is the centrepiece of the symmetrical composition. The successful Kortrijk-born Renaissance painter Bernard de Rijckere lived and worked primarily in Antwerp. Rubens owned one of his artworks.

Practical information


Jozef Vandaleplein
8500 Kortrijk
View directions

Opening hours

  • From April 1 to September 30, open Monday to Friday from 7:30 am to 6 pm, Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm.
  • From October 1 to March 31, open Monday to Friday from 7:30 am to 5 pm, Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm.
  • Not accessible during celebrations.


  • Easy access for people with disabilities.

Good to know

  • Admission: free

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